Tanks blitz lesta: 50 фото

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Soviet tank line - Probably the most newbie friendly. Their heavy tanks are very strong, and even have great guns. Most recommended for any newcomer. American tank line - This line has good light tanks, but they're not as newbie friendly because the Soviet tanks have good health and good armor too.
For players who simply want a tank in World of Tanks Blitz that imposes defense, the best is the VK100. 01 from Germany. Aside from its already intimidating “plain” appearance, the VK100. 01 boasts one of the largest HP among its other tank counterparts.
The restriction may range from one day to a permanent ban from chat or game (i.e. forever).
The T95 is a true force to be reckoned with as its massive amount of armor, the ferocious 155mm can quickly cause enemies to dive for cover, as they fear both the damage it can cause and its ability to take out tanks in one fell blow.
the T95. Although it is the slowest tank in the game, the T95 can take an incredible amount of abuse before going down if handled correctly.

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