Texas instruments: 50 фото
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Designing the building blocks of electronic systems. We design, manufacture, test and sell analog and embedded semiconductors that are the essential building blocks of electronic systems.
The BOLT-117 (BOmb, Laser Terminal) was the world's first laser-guided bomb (LGB). Used by U.S. Air Force F-4 Phantoms in the Southeast Asia War, it consisted of a KMU-342 laser guidance and control kit attached to a standard, M117 750-pound bomb.
Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI), American manufacturer of calculators, microprocessors, and digital signal processors with its headquarters in Dallas, Texas.
Out of 18 analysts, 6 (33.33%) are recommending TXN as a Strong Buy, 1 (5.56%) are recommending TXN as a Buy, 9 (50%) are recommending TXN as a Hold, 0 (0%) are recommending TXN as a Sell, and 2 (11.11%) are recommending TXN as a Strong Sell.
Texas Instruments is an established company offering reliability and worldwide support for customers, which is one reason it's the most recommended brand of graphing calculators by teachers. Our products and business are built to last.