Mediacreationtool exe: 50 фото

MediaCreationTool.exe Создание установочной USB-флэшки для сборки -  Сообщество Microsoft

Частые вопросы

Microsoft's Media Creation Tool allows you to create your own installation media using a DVD or a flash drive. If you already own a copy of Windows 11, you can use this tool to reinstall it on a device or upgrade a different device.
There are different methods to clean install or upgrade Windows with the Media Creation Tool being one of them. If you're looking for a safe and simple way to install Windows 10 and 11, this tool is suitable for you.
Will the media creation tool still be available for customers to download Windows 10 installation media? Yes, the media creation tool and Windows 10 installation media (ISO files) are available for customers to install Windows 10.
Note: All The personal files, folders, and integrated applications will be removed after using Microsoft installation media to reinstall Windows. Backing up personal information about the drive before performing below steps is recommended. Dell will not be liable for any kind of data loss.
The media creation tool can be used to upgrade your computer to Windows 10 or to create a USB or DVD and install Windows 10 on a different computer. Microsoft has a step-by-step process to allow you to upgrade to Windows 10 using the media creation tool.

Как скачать Media Creation Tool и обновить Windows?

0:00 Начало 2:00 Скачать Media Creation Tool и начать обновление. 2:43 Системные требования 6:09 Сохранятся ли мои...

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