Create apple id: 50 фото

How to create a new Apple ID - Apple Support

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Create your Apple ID on the web
  1. Go to and click Create Your Apple ID.
  2. Follow the onscreen steps to provide an email address, create a strong password, and set your device region. ...
  3. Enter a phone number that you can always access.
  4. Check the boxes to subscribe to Apple Updates if you'd like.
Apple allows you to sign up for a new Apple ID using any of your existing email addresses from services like Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc.
Select Create Apple ID. Add your account details. As you proceed through the instructions, you will encounter a Payment Information screen. In the Payment Type section, there will be an option – None.
absolutely free. Creating Apple ID on iPhone is absolutely free. Choose any unique email address and password and you are all set with new iCloud email address and a new Apple ID for your iPhone . Make sure to enable 2 way authentication for enhanced security. Apple id is created free of cost.
You should create a separate Apple ID for work and one for personal use. Note: you can use multiple separate Apple ID's on one iPhone.

How to Create Apple ID - Full Guide

If you are looking for a video about how to create apple id, here it is! In this video I will show you how to create apple id for free....

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Youtube - @Apple Guy
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